That’s a really important question. Many of the educational institutions launching remote classes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic never imagined themselves in this situation. Minerva started looking for ways to reinvent higher education years ago, seeking out new techniques for teaching technology. We found that online classes offered the best approach for providing a liberal-arts education as we imagined it.
But online classes won’t deliver good results if you just apply the same approach as in-person classes. We believe online classes are uniquely positioned to offer high-quality education in the true sense of the term. At Minerva, seminars with small groups of students are the basic class format. Instructors can clearly discern how well students are understanding the lessons and how seriously they are applying themselves by looking at the students’ expressions and behavior as they appear on the monitor. Also, the amount of time each student spends talking is automatically measured, so instructors can observe the balance of degree of verbal contribution as they proceed with the lesson.
All classes are conducted live and attendance is mandatory. We also record the classes so students can return to them and see what they said and the feedback they get from professors. These features make online classes an incredibly effective strategy for assimilating large amounts of received information and making it the students’ own.
The classes at Minerva are almost entirely unaffected by COVID-19. Our students simply continue receiving an education of the highest quality, pandemic or no. This is because the education we offer is designed to keep moving forward at all times.
In these complex times, it’s impossible to teach people detailed, individual responses to cover every conceivable situation. What’s important is to teach adaptability. When confronted with an unknown situation, people need to have the skill set to think about what they should do and act appropriately. That’s the ability we cultivate. That’s what the word “education” means to us at Minerva. Making that happen requires a study environment in which students can take what they’ve learned from one instructor and apply it in another class led by a different instructor. Unfortunately, conventional education just isn’t designed that way. For example, if you try to take content you learned in a science class and put it to use in a history class, it doesn’t work. But in real life, we confront situations like this all the time. When we design an educational program at Minerva, we constantly think about what students have learned in the past and how it can be applied.
Definitely. And you need the technology to handle the data, too. Minerva’s suite of technologies enables each student to craft an educational program that enfolds everything learned from instructors in widely varying fields into a unique “educational journey.” We plan our curricula and classes from a holistic point of view, rather than subject-by-subject. Studying one subject in detail is not the point. Our students learn to apply and practice a broad range of knowledge and skills. I’m proud to say that that is the distinguishing characteristic of a Minerva education.
Our concept of the liberal arts does not limit students to a particular field of academic inquiry. Studying a wide variety of knowledge systems and disciplines is how we as humans grasp freedom in the truest sense. And of course, with freedom comes responsibility. Because individuals as members of society have duties within that society, the ability to solve problems in cooperation with others is essential and indispensable. The liberal arts are nothing less than the ideal state of education for the purpose of cultivating people of such caliber.

The most important reality is that most of our students do not come from well-off families. Minerva students can achieve incredible results even if they did not start out from the most advantaged environments. More than anything else, this is what makes me happy and proud of what we’ve accomplished. Minerva’s greatest challenge is to accept young people of every background, regardless of socioeconomic stratum.
I believe our mission at Minerva is to serve as a role model for other educational institutions. Establishing the highest institute of education, to which only a handful of people can aspire, is not our objective. Instead, the educational philosophy of Minerva is that we want to spread our approach to the world, as a result giving rise to an environment in which tens of thousands of students can enjoy its benefits forever. In that sense, maybe Minerva isn’t a single educational institution but a great movement. This is why we partner with other educational institutions to offer a Minerva education.

The goal of “quality education” reads in part, “quality education…for all.” Of course that’s a wonderful objective. In practice there is a great problem associated with achieving it. That’s the problem of quality. Many of the world’s educational institutions pay scant attention to quality, being eager instead to provide some sort of education to as many young people as possible. As a result, the quality of education is declining, becoming oversimplified and dumbed down. Education must be something much more refined, so that it can have an enormous impact on the world.
My view is that spreading high-quality education to great numbers of people is no simple feat. The SDGs are good, ambitious targets, but I have the impression that the people who framed them didn’t do too much thinking about the practical question of just what changes have to be made to attain them. When you talk about education, the first task is to flush out what the problems are in existing systems, so that they can be put right. Spreading education widely should only be done once you can guarantee quality. We mustn’t lose sight of the essence of the problem. Education is a process of making things better through constant change. This is the point that I would like to emphasize to the world.

ベン・ネルソン Ben Nelson
今回のインタビューは、東洋経済新報社と株式会社WAVE/WAVE・SDGs研究室が制作した「東洋経済ACADEMIC SDGsに取り組む大学特集 Vol.3」に掲載されています。

SDGsに取り組む大学特集 Vol.3